Project Workflow

The creative part of a project always needs freedom to expand, to adjust itself and finds its own magical way. Even a clever bit of computer code, strict and disciplined though it may (and often must) be, often started out as a simple idea, a smart way of getting something done, true cause-and-effect in its best Sunday outfit. The expansive and chaotic, nurtured and fermented, placed into a containing perimeter, a structure, an architecture. A river of freedom finally at home in a glass, so one can drink.

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Original roads

Curves and straight lines

The most orderly realizations and structures often start out as a hazy idea, a flash of inspiration in the middle of something else, a spark triggered by an accidental idea. In an interview, Brian Eno once made reference to the process through which many of his musical works developed, through chance, unbolted order, and the ability to see an unpredicted event as a potential new direction to be explored. I paraphrase here, of course, but there was great wisdom in those words. One of his earlier inventions, a set of cards called "Oblique Strategies" had previously hinted at that open way of seeing creativity. It was through his music and working philosophy that I became interested in the work of Edward Debono, the man who coined the phrase "Lateral Thinking" and wrote a fair number of books, papers and articles on the subject. The idea of "thinking outside the box" owes much to the concepts of lateral thinking, and in a digital, polarized and divided world, the idea that there could be something more than just black-white, on-off, 1-0, deserves an occasional but serious glimpse.
